A Few Words

About Us

Exceptional Service

Practical Financial Advice You Can Count on

Focus Your Time and Efforts on Running Your Business and Leave the Accounting to Us

We provide everything from small business accounting services to tax preparation, CFO services, and payroll services. 

By using our accounting experience, combined with the QuickBooks resources, we have all the tools necessary to help business owners design, implement, and maintain their accounting systems. We know that the most common reasons why small businesses get behind with their taxes and their financials is because they are overwhelmed by the accounting, bookkeeping, and record-keeping. We take these burdens from our clients, so they can concentrate on growing their businesses.

We also offer additional education and training so they can feel confident making entries in the system and running the necessary reports to determine the business financial position.

Depending on the clients’ requests, once the accounting system is in place and up-to-date, we become their outsourced ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT assisting with all the CFO duties, and accounting needs.

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